(text-style:"blur")+(text-colour:red)[Our story begings in a far off wood near a small village filled with small cottages. In this village lived a girl called Little Red Riding hood. She liked to play darts. When one day her mother asked her to take a basket of baked goods to her grandmother who lived in the middle of the woods.]
(text-style:"blur")+(text-colour:red)[Little Red Riding Hood says she will because it is on her way to the darts academy.]
(text-style:"blur")+(text-colour:red)[On her way she picks up the scent of freshly cooked porridge coming from a cottage. She realised that it was her friend Goldilock's cottage.]
(text-style:"blur")+(text-colour:red)[should she]
(text-colour:orange)[[go into the cottage]] [or] (text-colour:orange)[[carry on her way]](text-colour:orange)[She went into the cottage and ate all of the porridge. Afterwards she felt a bit tired and went to lay downwhen she felt a sharp point. It was a knife with some latin on. She decided to play with the kife when all of a sudden, Goldilocks and the bears arrived home and came up stairs. Little Red Riding Hood translated the latin and it said the knife could cut through air. But then the bears and Goldilocks entered the room.]
(text-colour:orange)[should she]
(text-colour:yellow)[[Cut through air with knife]] (text-colour:orange) [or] (text-colour:yellow)[[Use the knife to fight]]
<img src=https://th.bing.com/th/id/Rd2b3b62ef604b0b16123c9a4acef6b2b?rik=Y0lxOxndsxFXXA&pid=ImgRaw>(text-colour:orange)+(text-style:"blur")[She decided to carry on her way to grandma's cottage. As she was walking a hole appeared in the air and a boy, just a few years older than her, called Will and a girl - roughly the same age - called Lyra hurridely jumped through. Should she]
(text-colour:yellow)[[Ignore them]] [or] (text-colour:yellow)[[Introduce herself]](text-colour:yellow)+(text-style:"superscript","fidget")[The knife made a hole just big enough for her to jump through. She is now safe from the bears but she now has no idea where she is. All of a sudden, a girl jumps from nowhere and threatens to kill her. Should she]
(text-colour:lime)[[Ignore it she is probably joking]] [or] (text-colour:lime)[[make friends with her pet]]
(text-colour:yellow)+(text-style:"shadow")[she used the knife to fight but ends up harming baby bear. Goldilocks sends death stares her way and knocks the knife out of her hands and agreed to let Papa bear eat her. Should she]
(text-colour:lime)[[Run quickly]] [or] (text-colour:lime)[[Plead]]
<img src=https://th.bing.com/th/id/Rd2b3b62ef604b0b16123c9a4acef6b2b?rik=Y0lxOxndsxFXXA&pid=ImgRaw>(text-colour:yellow)[She just ignored them and carried on her way to grandma's house. When she came across a fork in the road. Should she]
(text-colour:lime)[[Left]] [or] (text-colour:lime)[[Right]]
<img src=https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/horizontal-shot-fork-road-decision-time-fork-road-131845177.jpg>(text-colour:yellow)+(text-style:"italic","outline")[She made friends with them and they asked her for safety so she offered to lead them to grandma's house.]
(text-colour:lime)[[Lead them to grandma's house]](text-colour:lime)[She was joking. She would never harm another being. Little Red Riding Hood walked with the girl for a little while and found out she was in a different world. Then after a short walk, she cut the air back into her own world.]
(text-colour:cyan)[[Cut back into her own world]](text-colour:lime)+(text-style:"bold")[she reached down and stroked the girls "pet". However it turns out that she wasn't supposd to touch her "pet" as it is classed as an insult in her world. Now she looks like she will definately kill her. Should she.]
(text-colour:cyan)[[Run quickly]] [or] (text-colour:cyan)[[Plead]]
<img src=https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.AioRQvICROjefP9E6R24qQHaEK?w=197&h=80&c=7&o=5&pid=1.7>(text-colour:lime)[She decided to run and she can hear them running after her.]
(text-colour:cyan)[[click here this is a good thing->They caught her.]](text-colour:lime)[The pleading just made them more angry. The only option left is accept defeat.]
(text-colour:cyan)[[Accept defeat]]
(text-colour:lime)[She went the right way and is now at her grandma's house. However when she walked in she found a wolf in place of her grandma. Should she]
(text-colour:cyan)[[Scream]] [or] (text-colour:cyan)[[Run away]]
<img src=https://th.bing.com/th/id/R2916132d48a6309670a2e3768fdf1969?rik=DZtkN6Vs6N5Xuw&pid=ImgRaw>(text-colour:lime)[Unfortunately she chose to go right and she wasn't looking where she was going and ran head first into a tree.]
(text-colour:cyan)[[click here to see what happend-> Her body is being decomposed.]](text-colour:lime)+(text-style:"underline","expand")[She leads them to her grandma's house. However when she gets there she finds a wolf pretending to be grandma. Should she]
(text-colour:cyan)[[Scream]] [or] (text-colour:cyan)[[Run away]]
<img src=https://th.bing.com/th/id/R2916132d48a6309670a2e3768fdf1969?rik=DZtkN6Vs6N5Xuw&pid=ImgRaw>(text-colour:cyan)[She cuts back into her world just oustide the cottage and hurriedly goes to grandma's house. Where she finds a wolf. Should she]
(text-colour:magenta)[[Cut the wolf]] [or] (text-colour:magenta)[[Run]]
<img src=https://th.bing.com/th/id/R2916132d48a6309670a2e3768fdf1969?rik=DZtkN6Vs6N5Xuw&pid=ImgRaw>(text-colour:magenta)[Unfortunately they caught her and killed her.](text-colour:cyan)[she gives in and is prepared to die. In seconds it is over.]
(text-colour:magenta)[[click here for further detail-> Her body is being decomposed.]] (text-colour:cyan)+(text-style:"sway")[She screamed and thankfully a woodcutter heard her scream and came to the rescue. She gave her grandma the baked goods. One final choice should she]
(text-colour:magenta)[[Go to darts Academy]] [or] (text-colour:magenta)[[Go home]]
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Dx53EFk6zVA" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay=1" allowautoplay></iframe>(text-colour:cyan)[She fell into a manhole as she was running.]
(text-colour:magenta)[[click here to see what happend-> Her body is being decomposed.]]
<img src=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRFaeAjsW334K5foidahyziMQRoDwu73cMM5cyHIAZjpLA91xgBnng4_8uo6g:www.photo-dictionary.com/photofiles/list/8123/11018manhole_cover.jpg&s>(text-colour:magenta)[Her body is decomposing in the ground.](text-style:"rumble")+(text-colour:magenta)[she used the knife to kill the wolf and saved grandma. She was now able to carry on her way to the darts academy.](text-colour:magenta)[She ran away but on her way she went past the bear's house. They caught sight of her and chased her until they caught her and decided to let her go and gave her the warning not to do it again.](text-colour:magenta)[She carried on her way to the darts academy and won a lot of games.]
<img src=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/70/The_Dart_Board.jpg/1280px-The_Dart_Board.jpg>(text-colour:magenta)[She went home and watched TV.]
<img src=https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Ne1hp9QV&id=BA159CBEDEBAD08949AC76B174FADE436EDB3BE5&thid=OIP.Ne1hp9QVEXBNCF6_Muc21QHaE8&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fimages.samsung.com%2fis%2fimage%2fsamsung%2fin_LA32D403E2LXL_001_Front%3f%24L2-Thumbnail%24&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR35ed61a7d41511704d085ebf32e736d5%3frik%3d5TvbbkPe%252bnSxdg%26pid%3dImgRaw&exph=2000&expw=3000&q=tv+jpeg>